Discover the Hydra-Shield Solution

Hydra-Shield is an Anti-DDoS protection designed to safeguard your applications and websites.

About Hydra-Shield

The perfect environment for your success

At Hydra-Shield, we design customized security that perfectly fits the specifics of your project. Whether you are an individual or a professional, our expertise in cyber protection, including robust L4/L7 DDoS defense, ensures peace of mind. Our dedicated team, constantly vigilant, is also available to advise and train you on the best online security practices. With Hydra-Shield, benefit from cutting-edge innovations for a secure and serene project.

A Professional Team

Our expert cybersecurity team provides cutting-edge solutions with passion and determination.

A Solid Infrastructure

Hydra-Shield offers advanced security solutions, DDoS protection, and training, committed to reliability and innovation.

Web Anti-DDoS Protection

Why Choose Hydra Shield?

You may be wondering why choose Hydra Shield over a competing protection? Here are some features that might convince you.

Room for growth

Make room for your project under our high-end and secure hosting services at no additional cost.

  • Real-Time Monitoring of Your Website
  • 24/7 Technical Support Available
  • Advanced and Efficient Bot Detection Service
  • Competitive Prices
  • Notifications via SMS, Email, Discord, Telegram

24/7 support

A question or a problem ? You can contact us on our discord or on your customer area by opening a ticket, we will answer you as soon as possible and you will be in contact with a member of our team.

24/7 customer support for hosting and dedicated servers

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about our Web protection? Contact us!

Installing Hydra Shield is very simple. Once you have ordered an offer, a 4-step tutorial will guide you through the installation of the protection. This is usually done in less than 5 minutes!

Hydra-Shield has servers all over the world to respond to your users' requests as quickly as possible. By default, you have 4 mitigation points of presence in Europe, but you also have the option to purchase an additional option to activate points of presence in 11 countries around the globe, which reduces latency.

Hydra Shield is a reverse proxy, a program that sits between the client and the web server, to fight against DDoS and other attacks.

With firewall rules, you can block ASNs, ISPs, IPs, user agents, but also allow IPs, URLs, and much more.

A CDN is a network of servers that distributes your website's data worldwide, to reduce latency and improve your website's loading speed.